General Semantics References
The purpose of this list is to collect references to authoritative
sources relevant to foundations of general semantics.
(This will grow. To plant a seed, contact me with the
link below)
- Exponential growth of knowledge.
(Manhood of Humanity, p.20, Science and Sanity, p. 364)
"The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man," the British economist Thomas Robert Malthus wrote in 1798. "Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetical ratio."
- Sapir-Whorf
hypothesis. In private conversations, noted linguist and philosopher, Emmon
Bach, pointed out that the so-called "Korzybski-Sapir-Whorf
hypothesis" was common currency in linguistic circles as the principle
of linguistic
relativity long before Sapir or Whorf popularized it. For an overview
showing the historical context see: Linguistics
and Anthropology.
- Levels of abstraction - Bertrand Russell - theory of types 1908
- Time-binding - the general notion - Korzybski
in Manhood of Humanity and in Science and Sanity.
- Extensional Devices - Working and safety - Korzybski in Science &
Sanity, Introduction to the Second Edition, Section F. 3.
Annotated bibliography of general semantics papers
General Semantics and Related Topics
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